Supporting our Community..

Community Support from The Melton Building Society

£5,000 To Local Community Groups

11 local community groups have received grants from the Melton’s special Anniversary Fund which was launched to celebrate the completion of the Society’s 140th anniversary year.  Community groups within a 15 mile radius of the Melton’s three branches were invited to apply for a grant before the end of November 2016.

“The Society has been supporting the local community for over 140 years and we will continue this philosophy as we understand what can be achieved when people work together and help each other,” said Martin Reason, Chief Executive of the Melton Building Society.  “We have had a fantastic response to our Anniversary Fund and the independent committee had a very difficult task selecting the successful applicants.  I am delighted our Fund will help make a difference to so many local good causes.”

Pictured are some of the recipients of grants from the Fund.

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